Kamis, 19 Mei 2016

Tugas ke 3 Bahasa Inggris Bisnis 2, IF Conditional Type 1,2 and 3

Name   : Mohamad Yoga Indra Prabowo
NPM   : 14212692
Class    : 4EA01
English Business Class Part 2
Assigntment IF Conditional Type 1,2 and 3

Multiple Choice (Error Analysis)
            Type 1 (Present Tense)
1.      If You Gave me money, I can help you
The correct Answer is....
a.       Give, Will             c. Give. Must  
b.      Gave, Cant            d. Gove, did

2.      If I reading a books, I will can smart
The correct answer is ...
a.       reading, books       c. Reading, book, must
b.      read, book, be      d. read, newspaper, will be

3.      If my team won the match, we didnt’ be very happy
The correct answer is...
a.      Win, will               c. Win, Can
b.      Won, must             d. winner, will

4.      If you leaves you girl, she will miss you
The correct answer is...
a.       Leaves, yiur           c. Leave, your
b.      Left, you               d. gone, your

5.      If I cant eat. I can hungry
The correct answer is...
a.       Doesn’t, will be     c. Can, must
b.      Go, didn’t             d. dont, will be

6.      If I not rides a car, I will late
The correct answer is...
a.       Use, will                c. Don’t, will be
b.      Can. Maybe           d. didn’t, can’t

7.      If bayu have not free time, bayu must be go swimming
The correct answer is...
a.        Doesn’t, must       c. Has not, can
b.      Have, will be        d. didnt, swim

8.      If they invited you, are be you come?
The correct answer is...
a.       Invited, must         c. Come, will be
b.      Invite, can             d. invite, will

Type 2 ( Past Tense)
9.      If it rain tommorow, I would be slept all day
The correct answer is...
a.       Raining, will, sleep            c. Rain, can, sleep
b.      Rained, would, sleep       d. Rained, must, slept

10.  If doni study hard, he would’nt pass
The correct answer is...
a.       Studied, would                 c. Studied, will
b.      Study hard, was                d. Studyng, pass

11.  If I have much money, i would bought a motorcycle
The correct answer is...
a.       Has, buy                            c. Hasn’t, bought
b.      Had, buy                          d. didn’t, bought

12.  If I was a milionare, I wouldn’t donate my money to charity
The correct answer is...
a.       Were, wouldn’t                 c. Were, would
b.      Was, would                       d. was, should

13.  If Rendi get the job, rendi would buying a new house.
The correct answer is...
a.       Got, buy                           c. Got, bought
b.      Get, buy                            d. Get, bought

14.  If You following my instructions, you would be safe
The correct answer is...
a.       Follow, can                       c. Followed, will be
b.      Following, must                d. Followed, would be

15.  If I marry wulan, I would very happy
The correct answer is...
a.       Marry, would’nt                c. Marry, will
b.      Married, can                      d. Married, would be

16.  If my daddy was superhero, he wouldn’t save the people
The correct answer is...
a.       Were, would                    c. Were, should
b.      Was, will                           d. Was, were

17.  If my mother cooking a fried rice, she would be eat  
The correct answer is..
a.       Cooking, was                    c. Cook, will
b.      Cooked, would                d. Cooking, will be

Type 3 (Present Perfect)

18.  If my grandmother has been immediately take to the hospital, she would have been saved
The correct answer is...
a.       Has been, taken                                    c. Had been, taken
b.      Have been, take                        d. Has been, take

19.  If Soni had been study hard, he would have passed the exam.
The correct answer is...
a.       Had, studied                c. Has, study
b.      Has studying                d. Have studied

20.  If you have remember to invited me, i will have attended your party.
The correct answer is...
a.       Remembered, invite, would   c. Remember, invite, will be
b.      Remembered, invited, will       d. remember, invited, can be

21.  If sonya has give the interviewer many good answer, she might had got a high position
The correct answer is...
a.       Has, give, have                         c. Had, gave, has
b.      Had, given, have                     d. have, given, will be

22.  If the barista has been careful, he must not have broken many glass
The correct answer is...
a.       Have been, will, broken           c. Had been, can be, broken
b.      Has, must, broke                      d. Had been, wouldn’t, broke

23.  If she has ask you for forgiveness, would you had forgive him?
The correct answer is...
a.       Ask, has                        c. Asked, have
b.      Asked, will be              d. Asking, had

24.  If I had work hard, I would  has been get the promotion for director position.
The correct answer is...
a.       Work, had been, got                 c. Worked, will have, get
b.      Worked, would have, got       d. work, have been, gotten

25.  If Bayu hasn’t went to the mountain, i wouldn’t have has an accident
The correct answer is...
a.       Hasn’t, go, had             c. Have, gone, hasn’t
b.      Had, went, has             d. had’nt, gone, had

The Answer                                                                
1.      A                                                                                 
2.      B                                                                                  
3.      A                                                                                 
4.      C                                                                                  
5.      D                                                                                 
6.      C                                                                                  
7.      B                                                                                  
8.      D
9.      B
10.  A
11.  B
12.  A
13.  B
14.  C
15.  A
16.  D
17.  D
18.  C
19.  A
20.  A
21.  B
22.  D
23.  C
24.  B
25.  D                                             

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